What is Email Hippo ASSESS?

Find out more about the Email Hippo ASSESS product

Email Hippo’s ASSESS product is our solution to understand the risk of accepting a new customer at the point of initial sign up or to reassess the customer at a point of change or payment.

It's an API which is integrated into sign up forms, back office systems and checkout pages in order to risk score the user in real time.

Based on the email address, first name, last name and IP address presented by the user we use a variety of methods and source data to provide a risk score and enriching data for decision making. Critically, ASSESS does not rely on historical data about bad actions so it works for new or first seen actors.

It is designed to be rapid, rich with decision making information and cost effective for all sizes and types of organisation. 

The objectives are to:

  • keep bad actors out of systems before they have an opportunity to learn, exploit or defraud a merchant at point of sale; and
  • identify changes which increase risk and likelihood that a particular user may commit fraud. 
How does ASSESS detect bad actors?

The detection stems from analysing email addresses and user information to look for hidden ‘tells’ that indicate whether the person behind the email is trustworthy. For example, if the domain is brand new or if the email address is disposable. 

Whilst this is not the most complex anti-fraud solution, or the most expensive or difficult to deploy it is very effective at detecting fraud early, before a transaction takes place or a service is delivered.

Preventing fraud at the first point of contact delivers substantial return on investment by reducing the time and resources traditionally associated with the manual processes that are required to mitigate the negative effects that bad actors have on an organisations’ systems.

An email address is a digital fingerprint, revealing signals about the person behind it. By analysing email addresses as they are entered, and checking results against rules, systems can immediately take action. It might be to prompt genuine users to edit errors in the email address, or to stop a process and prevent malicious attacks.

  • Email verification intelligence enables organisations to build their own rules and blocklists by spotting patterns of sign-ups and email addresses connected to fraud. 
  • The intelligence system never sleeps, checking every email address entered onto a system in milliseconds.
  • Results trigger rule-based actions. For example, blocking every email address that contains gibberish or sign-ups from suspicious domains.
  • The need for manual reviews reduces, allowing security time to be spent differently.

Utilising email address intelligence at sign-up, data entry entry or before a transaction takes place, gives businesses a cost-effective opportunity to be nimble and have more control over who they engage with.