Available TLD’s (Top Level Domains) Through Email Hippo API WHOIS service?

This article shows the list of domains we support through out WHOIS service.

Currently, Email Hippo’s Whois service support 19 top-level domains listed below. 

  1. .asia

  2. .br

  3. .co.uk

  4. .com.br

  5. .com

  6. .de

  7. .fr

  8. .info

  9. .io

  10. .in

  11. .jp

  12. .me.uk

  13. .mobi

  14. .net

  15. .org

  16. .org.uk

  17. .ru

  18. .uk

If you query a domain not supported by Email Hippo no data will be returned on your query.